Top 7 Trends for Summer 2021
Days are joyfully spring-ing into summer. As days are getting warmer and brighter the urge for seasonal shopping also grows. And how else after the lasting “pajamas dress code" enforced by the “lockdown” summer of the previous year? With growing hope that pandemic abates, the excitement of upgrading summer wardrobe resides in our minds! As some of the designer brands have already opted in for offline runway shows and others choose to share their collections online, it is time to plunge into seasonal shopping to gear up with the mood and spirits of the weather. But prior to dashing into shopping, we suggest looking through the seasonal trends suggested by the top brands around the world to stay on top of trends and style. Pale colors blooming into cheerful shades After the hard period of uncertainty and instability, 2021 promises rebirth! This season is all about enjoying the full palette...
May 18, 2021
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